Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Derek Wilson had a busy day planned for Bill Siegler and I today but it didn't really turn out that way. On our way up to the Siletz Falls trap we stopped at Buck Creek while Bill did a survey. Even though the water was high, it appeared to be clear enough so that Bill could complete his survey but it turned out to be a waste of time because the water was so deep and swift that he could not identify the reds. Our intent was to collect any hatchery fish and bring them back down and plant them in Lake Ollala. However, the Siletz trap only contained 2 fish ( a hatchery pair) which Bill decided to hold over until Friday. Palmer Creek had 2 fish as well. Casey needed 2 fish for a class presentation so one of the fish was dispatched and brought back. We also found a dead wild male steelhead adjacent to the entrance into the trap. Bill decided to bring it back as the second fish for Casey's presentation and the other fish was also held over until Friday. We then proceed to Bohannan but the trap was empty. On our way back to town we spotted a class of students exploring the North Beaver Creek. Got back into town about 2:30 and was able to see Casey for the first time in a while. It was great to see him back but it will be quite some time with a lot of physical therapy before he can play football again. Frank

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