Saturday, January 12, 2008



Siletz river water was up high enough that it was going over the rocks and the top of the trap today, so we could not do anything except turn around and go to the Palmer trap. We had fourteen Steelhead in the trap, all Steelhead and hatchery fish, nine males and five females that we put into the water tank on the truck and put them back into the Siletz at Mill Creek Park. The trap at Bohanan had seven fish in it, five winter Steelhead two males and one female, one summer Steelhead which was a female and three Coho's, one male and two females. All the fish except for the summer Steelhead were sent up river to spawn. Animal along the way were all in the Alsea basin and we saw two deer and Fourteen Elk, The Elk were in the same area as we saw them on Wednesday! Everybody have a great weekend!

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