Sunday, January 6, 2008



Following is the Schooner Creek trap report for Friday, Jan. 4th. First of all a big thank you to John Spangler and Frank Stout for agreeing to accompany me to the trap today. My partner had an emergency and both he and his wife left for Northern Washington early this morning. Since I am still having some issues with my back, their presence was invaluable and their help was certainly appreciated. Prior to heading up to the trap there was some question as to whether we should go based on the latest weather reports. Luckily, mother nature cooperated and we had pleasant conditions this morning. The creek was high and the trap was running strong and clean. So clean in fact that it wasn't necessary to do any debris removal at all. I think this is the first time I have seen it so clean. We had success !!!!! There was only one but she was beautiful. We found a native hen Steelhead in the trap. This fish must have just recently shot up the creek because as we Steelhead fishermen say, "it was a chromer", "mint bright". It was a great feeling to see another hen since there has already been a couple of native male Steelhead released from the trap this year. John, Frank and I also placed a link of chain on the downriver side of the ladder to use as a handle when entering and exiting the trap. The handle on that side of the ladder was destroyed by the tree that fell on the trap during the last big storm. This is only a temporary fix but at least it gives a person another hand hold. Well, thats' the whole story for today. Have a great weekend.

MIke Samples

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