Sunday, December 30, 2007
Just a quick reply for Mike Samples report below We did service the trap completely on December 24th, there were no fish in the trap and the water level was low enough when we got to the trap because of the in flow partial blockage that allowed us to get into the trap, after cleaning out the debris a full flow was again established, and the log book was filled in. The good thing is that Mike did find some native fish and more seem to be showing up and we all know that after rebuilding the fish ladder the trap is working as expected. I want to thank Mike for his dedication to the project as he puts in a lot of effort and time into the Schooner trap.
Hank Bryson
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Roger Wilson and Wayde Dudley checked 3 traps today. The weather was cool with showers. We were back in town by 1440. In the order visited:
This in from Mike Samples
I have just returned from Schooner Creek trap. I am still not able to go down into the trap but my partner Duane was with me and he went in. We had three (3) wild, male Coho in the trap. Two of the fish were released upstream but the third didn't make it. We didn't know there
was a third fish until the lower gate was raised. The fish had turned sideways and wedged himself into the bars instead of going through the middle. When we saw him and removed him from the bars we realized he was still just barely alive, so we spent 30 minutes trying to revive him but to no avail. His jaw had been forced open while he was stuck in the bars and it appeared to be broken or at least he was unable to keep his mouth closed. Very unfortunate since we have such small numbers of fish this year. I am going to cc James on this one because we had a mortality and I am not sure the trap was serviced on Wednesday. Hopefully it was
and the group on Wednesday just forgot to enter anything on the log.
Thank you again for covering for me last Wednesday (Hank Bryson covered for Mike on the Siletz).
Trap report from Hank Bryson
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
To Wayne:
Barb & I checked the Schooner trap this morning. It was clean and clear. No fish visible in trap. Did not have trap key as I thought it was under the table in the hut. Someone left the keys on my door this afternoon. Who needs them next? Mike S. must have had some fish last Friday?? Does that explain the fish slime on the table?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Big Fish" <>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 7:48 AM
Subject: Fw: Schooner Creek
I just got this in from Mike Samples. I think Frank is up on Monday. Let me know if you are short handed and I will make the trip with you. There is a High Wind Warning issued for Monday afternoon into Tuesday morning, so be sure to check the forecast. Don't take any chances. Frank, if you and Brian were up there with Mike on Friday, he mentioned fish slime on
the table. How about a trap report?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Samples" <>
To: "Big Fish" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 12:23 PM
Subject: Schooner Creek
Hi Wayne,
On Friday afternoon, Brian, Frank and I had what I believe was a pretty successful field trip at the Schooner Creek trap with students from Lincoln City technical school. When we left for the afternoon I kept the table (normally located inside the shed) outside the shed so the
rain could wash off some of the fish slime. I planned to return today to put everything back together for the upcoming week but as luck would have it, I have contracted some kind of intestinal virus and have not been able to leave the house since Friday evening. I kept the key for the lock on the trap cover. I believe LVH teams have your own set. If so, please bring them on Monday in case I am unable to get back up to the trap between now and Monday morning. I still plan to try but didn't want an unpleasant surprise when the team arrives. If you can
get the word out to Monday's team I would appreciate it.
Thank you very much,
Wayne: Slime was from steelhead Mike brought in for demo for the students we had there from Lincoln City. He put the table up outside the shed and we went through the fine points of fish ID/clips. The Coho team is due up on Monday, and Barb and Wayde are going to get there some time on Tuesday - I passed it along to Butch that he could probably take the day off since Wayde wasn't sure when they woudl get there.
PS: its snowing lightly tonight at the motel in K Falls, but should see some more tomorrow. Leaving for Reno on Tuesday, it may be lighter by then?????Monday, December 10, 2007
Report from Big Fish:
We were not as lucky as Mike Samples was on Saturday. Bill Furgason, John Spangler, and Wayne Hill went to the trap this morning. No fish at the trap and no big game was sighted. The trap was cleaned and is ready for any fish coming upstream.
Gentlemen and ladies,
We had our first winter Steelhead in the trap today. I released a chrome bright native buck winter Steelhead upstream to the delight of the assembled crowd. I took six people to the trap today, most of whom had never been there before. After the wonderful job everyone did yesterday cleaning and repairing the trap, the fruits of our labor were very apparent to me today. The trap was working perfectly with no silt at all.
NOTE FROM FIRST LADY: Isn't this what it's all about? We cleaned up the trap good enough on Friday to get it working and Mike had the privilege of showing people the wonder of salmon and nature. It doesn't get any better than this . . .
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Schooner Creek Fish Trap
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We were blessed with another one of the days that reminds me of how happy I am to live at the coast and one of the reasons I moved here.
Unfortunately I was unable to enjoy the same success at the trap as was the case on Wednesday. No fish in the trap today. It was cold and everything was frozen. The upper gate of the trap was choked with leaves and the trap itself only had about 8" of water. It was pretty easy to clear and the silt was minimal. The winch on the upriver gate (not the new winch on the lower gate) came apart in my hand today but I was able to put it back together. You might tell the team for Monday to be careful when they lift the upriver gate as I really don't trust it. I will cc James on this email so he is aware of the condition as well. Have a great weekend.
Siletz Fish Trap Report
Friday, Nov. 23
Roger Wilson, Wayde Dudley and
The trap held 5 Steelhead:
1 wild female
1 hatchery winter male
3 hatchery females
Saw 3 deer on the way out.
Back in town by 1140.
This report in from Hank Bryson. Thanks for your help, Hank.
Maybe you could pass this report on to the club members and Happy Thanksgiving to you, hope you have a good day! The schooner creek trap had one Female Coho, Hoorah-I hear this is the first one since the fish ladder replacement? The Siletz trap had thirteen steelhead, nine male and four females, two of the females were native and continued on up the river. We checked one more trap on drift creek with no fish to report.
This was on Wednesday from James Ray.
Thought you’d all like to know that we had our first arrival of the season in the trap today……a nice wild female Coho.
We checked 4 traps yesterday so it was a long day. First we checked the Bay Trap. This was a first for me and I didn't know it even existed but there were no fish. The Bay trap separates the Bay from the pond area where the smolts are kept prior to their release. We then proceeded to the Schooner Creek Trap. Again no fish and all in all it looked very good. Whoever had been there the previous day really did a good job. We then proceeded to the Siletz Trap where we released 2 wild steelhead and dispatched 6 others but the big job was removing all the leaves and debris following Monday's storm. The upper gate was completely choked and the side bins were clogged with about 8" of leaves and muck. The main trap area also had a large buildup of leaves which made it somewhat difficult to locate the fish as they hid below the leaves. After a good flushing we proceeded to the Bohannon Trap. Again no fish but Roger repaired the lock to the lid and we returned home.
Just returned from Schooner Creek along with Tom Roederer. Water was only a little over ankle deep because of all the leaves and debris buildup on the upper gate but surprisingly there was no gravel on the bottom. No fish either. Cleaned the gates and returned home. What a beautiful day for a drive up or down the coast.
Frank Stout and I went up to Schooner Creek today (Sat) and installed a new winch and cable. The sun was out and it was quite spectacular back in the "rain forest". Taking the old bolts off was a little challenge, but with our superior skill and heavy duty work with the universal tool guaranteed to lift small building off their foundations and able to bend 3/16 sheet metal with a single blow (AKA "Big Vise Grips"), we were victorious! No fish in the trap, so we cleaned out some leaves, lubed the winches, did a gate lift and flush, and were home by Noon. Traveled the usual 54.4 miles round-trip.
Brian Hudson
Siletz Fish Trap Report
Friday, Nov. 9
Roger Wilson and Wayde Dudley visited the trap this morning. It was cool with a light rain. I met Roger at the Dairy Queen in Toledo as I did not want to check Bohanan since he did not expect any fish there.The river was about a half foot lower than my last visit. Heavy logging traffic today and the road was a little slick.
The traps held 3 fish: all female Steelhead, 2 hatchery and 1 wild.
Saw no mammels or birds of note.
Back in town by 1130. My next trip is Friday, November 23.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Friday, Nov. 2
Roger Wilson and Wayde Dudley visited the trap this morning. It was very cool, mid 20's was my estimate. The river was about a foot lower. We cleaned the leaves out and then went to the Bohanan trap which is located on the Drift Creek drainage which flows to the Alsea River. Nice drive this time of year. We drove home down Beaver Creek which hits 101 at Ona Beach. We were in three different drainages. Saw numerous road hunters during the day.
The traps held 0 fish:
Saw no mammals or birds of note.
Back in town by 1340. My next trip is Friday, November 9.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Siletz Trap
Trap Report for Today (Monday 10/29): short day, one hatchery male steelhead is now providing protein to the bugs and birds and fish in the Siletz.
Brian Hudson, Reporting
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, Oct. 26
Roger Wilson, Ryan Miner and Wayde Dudley visited the trap this morning. It was cool and no rain. The river was about a foot higher than my last visit. No dry rock now.
The trap held a total of 51 fish:
2 wild male Coho ( sent back down river with insructions not to return)
3 wild female Coho ( sent back down river with insructions not to return)
1 wild Steelhead females
29 hatchery Steelhead females
14 hatchery Steelhead males
43 of the Steelhead were recycled back into the stream a 5 locations upstream from the trap to Gravel Creek.
9 fish had seal marks where they had been bitten and 1 had net marks.
Saw no mammels of note. I did watch a Water Ouzel now renamed an American Dipper (conclus mexicanus) as it searched underwater among the rocks for food. We saw a Ruffed Grouse (bonasa umbellus) along side the road.
Back in town by 1300. My next trip is Friday, November 2.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
10/19/07 and 10/22/07

Schooner Creek Fish Trap
Wayne Hill, Frank Stout, Wayde and I went to the Schooner Creek Fish Trap on Friday, October 19th to install new locks and check on the condition of the trap. There was quite a bit of work done on the ladder and several safety features added to the fish trap. There were no fish but the gate was clogged with leaves and debris which had to be cleaned out. Also, Frank Stout got down in the trap to shovel the gravel which had accumulated. Everything else appeared to be in good shape.
Our regular team duty started on Monday, October 22, 2007. John Spangler, Wayne Hill and I went back to check the trap. The gate was again clogged and Wayne Hill got down in the trap to clean it out. We were surprised how much debris had accumulated since Friday. There still were no fish, but we all agreed it was a such a beautiful spot we could not consider it a waste of time.
First Lady
Trap Team comprised of >> Roger Wilson >> Tom Roederer >> John S……..
Unfortunately……one of the lower grates on the head of the trap suffered a broken weld. We were able to get it out of the trap & Roger will try to repair the damaged piece. This caused us to “Officially Close the Trap”……. Until Roger can return with the grate repaired sometime on Monday.
P> S>> The River was rising at a pretty rapid rate as we pulled out about 2:45 PM………….The HOOK
Siletz Fish Trap 10/17/07
Dick Garvey and I went with Roger Wilson to the trap this morning. It rained most of the time we were at the trap and quit, naturally, just as we got back in the truck. There were 16 fish in the trap, no springers, as well as a few that were held over from Monday. 6 fish were transferred to the truck and are on their way to Hebo for brood stock. 6 fish were also left inside the trap with the remainder "dispatched" and sent floating back down the river. We were back in town around 1:00 as Roger proceeded on to Hebo.
Siletz Fish Trap Report
Friday, Oct. 15
Roger Wilson, Brian Hudson and Wayde Dudley visited the trap this morning. It was cool an overcast. The river was lower than Friday by a foot or so.
The trap held a total of 9 fish:
3 hatchery Steelhead females
6 hatchery Steelhead males
7 were left in the trap for a brood stock trip to the
Saw 5 deer,no elk, moose, bison or caribou.
Back in town by 1200. My next trip is Friday the 26th with Tom.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
the way up. I knew I was in deep doo doo when we opened the trap door and
when Roger looked in he exclaimed "oh crap". There were so many fish that we
didn't know where to start so we just dug in. By the time we separated them
there were only about 5 Chinook which we passed up stream along with about 6
native steelhead. That left us to process approximately 103 fin clipped
steelhead. We left 10 in the trap and dispatched the rest. Only about 5 were
under 10 lbs with the rest being in the 11 to 16 lb range. After zonking
them we loaded them in the truck and took some up to the gravel beds and
threw them in the water. After that Roger had to do a survey on spawning
beds off of 120 which took about an hour, maybe less. We couldn't get radio
reception and my cell phone was out of range so we took the remaining zonked
fish to the Siletz food bank in hopes of someone being there to accept the
56 fish left in the tank. Luckily there were people there so we didn't have
to go back to the gravel beds to dump them. All in all it was a very long
and tiring day. My shoulders were sore from netting all of those fish. I got
home around 5. TCM GO DUCKS
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Note:Here are a couple of the photos I took yesterday of the steelhead stacked inside the bucket like cordwood. We were able to get all 161 fish inside the bucket but I don't think it would have held another fish. The average fish weighs about 10 lbs so there are approximately 1,600 pounds of fish in the bucket. Take care, Frank
You may recall, that all of the Fishing Club Officers agreed to hold our 2nd Quarter Board meeting at
This resulted in the General, Ducks & the Creek Meister finding this motion very contrary to the laws of nature & general approbation !! At this point Sparky did not have an opinion & Ginger abstained from what was rapidly becoming a VERY HEATED DEBATE !!!
It was at this point, that Sparky’s CERT Training came in handy, because some how Big Fishes Pants caught ON FIRE !! There is reason to believe, this was the result of a surreptitious cigarette lighter in the possession of the Creek Meister.
Clearly this was the appropriate for me, as the Club President, TO ACT !!! I did & both groups of antagonists’ TURNED ON ME & they THREW ME INTO THE….”I am afraid for my life to use the correct (B) term”…. POND !!! Suffice to say, it was “Katy Bar the Door” when Ginger suggested’ we all have some more coffee & another cookie !!! Yes, she returned us to our civilized sense of decorum with a COOKIE !!!
I was a little WET, but closed the meeting, with all of us agreeing, it was one of the BEST BOARD MEETINGS we have ever had & I might add we agreed to table the “TYPE OF POND ISSUE” for a later meeting in JUNE !!! THE HOOK

Some of us went to Palmer Creek to begin the great smolt watch on Tuesday, March 27th. We helped Frank set up his trailer, then helped with the unloading of the smolts. It turned out to be a nice day and was a wonderful spot for exploring. Brian was nice enough to show Ginger Stout and me the weir and the old growth forest. It really was amazing . . . thanks Brian. I think we were all a little envious that Frank and Ginger were going to be able to stay and all reluctantly said good-bye (although as the temperature dropped leaving was a little easier). This is a good thing our Club is doing, but it is definitely made easier because it is such a beautiful setting.
First Lady
THIS JUST IN……….Today began the largest combined ODFW///LVH Fishing Club Project we have ever attempted !!!
Today the Steelhead Smolt went into the ponds &
Special THANKS to the camp set up crew….Wayne, Brian, Wayde, Barb, Butch & Me !!!!
It was a Great Team Effort & Really Fun to see all of those little Steelhead about to go to sea. Stay tuned for more information as our vigil progresses to Release Day. THE HOOK
Team Steelhead went on their scheduled trip to the Schooner Creek Fish trap on Monday, March 12th. Alas, as you can see by the dejected souls in the photo, there were no fish. The good news is everything was clean and in working order. The fish trap was cleaned of debris and we went on our way. It is never a wasted trip to Schooner Creek because you always get to experience the great beauty of the area. It beats working any day . . .
This Just In……..The Dynamic Duo ( Bud Roark & Butch Minich ) with Casey at the Helm…Report a Good Day at the Trap !!!
They had a Total of 33 Steelhead.....( 23 Natives & 10 Hatchery ).
The Natives were transported back down to Spring Creek for release. The Trappers said, it rained on & off, but the Bucket Ride & seeing the beautiful Native Steelhead released back into the wild made it all worthwhile. They also reported, that it looks like Casey’s successful knee surgery has him “about ready” for a Marathon Run !!!

Today Frank Stout's team had fish trap duty. Not everyone on his team could make it today so we improvised and our group this morning included Frank, Bob Abbott, Hank Bryson, Wayde and myself. Unfortunately, there were no fish in the trap today. We did, however, have a very productive morning. Wayde replaced the broken cable with new and the gate worked just fine. With three shovels working and the Creek running as fast as it was, it didn't take long to get the Creek cleaned up. You can see by the picture of Hank how fast the water was running. I especially like the photo of him "behind bars". Anyway, everything looks good, now we just have to wait for some fish to come along and enjoy it!
First Lady

Frank Stout reported that on Monday, February 26th, there were two steelhead in the trap, one male, one female, both wild and both dead. He has no idea as to what may have happened. He took some photos showing their less-than-warm experience. Even though it looked chilly, those of us who have been up there know it was still a great experience.

Monday, January 15th and the Team Steelhead (Wayne Hill, Dave Dinsmoor, Wayde and Barb Dudley) headed out for the Schooner Creek Fish Trap. Obviously, as shown by the photos, this was no job for wimps. The top picture is the first view we had of the trap after leaving our parked (and warm) vehicles. The second photo shows Wayde and Dave discussing the new cover on the fish trap and the third photo shows
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Monday, November 13, 2006
Today was the first day for the LVH Fishermen to help check the fish ladder at Schooner Creek. Wayne Hill, Frank Stout, Brian Hudson and Bill Ferguson helped James Ray (ODFW). When they got back they met several Club members at the Clubhouse for a little "lesson". James Ray showed us two of the Coho salmon they brought in and explaned the difference between the various species and sexes. They pulled in 19 fish today so it was very successful. Hats off to all of you who helped!