THIS JUST IN……….All’s well in Camp, on Day 3 !! The Steelhead Smolt are being fed 2 times a day. Many of the little buggers have actually started to go over the stop logs & begin their migration down the Siletz River to the sea !! It still looks like Casey will hold the remaining Smolt in the Beaver Ponds thru Saturday. You may recall, that all of the Fishing Club Officers agreed to hold our 2nd Quarter Board meeting at Camp Palmer Creek today. The meeting went along rather well until the very end. It seems that Big Fish, First Lady & the Surveyor took umbrage with us calling the ponds…BEAVER PONDS !!! It was their contention & they proposed a motion to that effect, that the ponds should be called…DUCK PONDS !!!
This resulted in the General, Ducks & the Creek Meister finding this motion very contrary to the laws of nature & general approbation !! At this point Sparky did not have an opinion & Ginger abstained from what was rapidly becoming a VERY HEATED DEBATE !!!
As the Club President…..I was about to intervene, when Ducks got hit on the head with a plastic Water Bottle, the exact culprit has still not been determined. Be that as it may, in a fit of great angst, the Surveyor knocked the table over & the First Lady’s camera got trampled….Big Fish & the Creek Meister found themselves under the table, engaged in some very sharp dialogue, the exact contents of which I prefer not to relate in this report. While all of this was going on, I became aware of the First Lady accusing the General of intentionally damaging her camera. He of course, was defending his innocence with great vigor !!! It was at this point, that Sparky’s CERT Training came in handy, because some how Big Fishes Pants caught ON FIRE !! There is reason to believe, this was the result of a surreptitious cigarette lighter in the possession of the Creek Meister.
Clearly this was the appropriate for me, as the Club President, TO ACT !!! I did & both groups of antagonists’ TURNED ON ME & they THREW ME INTO THE….”I am afraid for my life to use the correct (B) term”…. POND !!! Suffice to say, it was “Katy Bar the Door” when Ginger suggested’ we all have some more coffee & another cookie !!! Yes, she returned us to our civilized sense of decorum with a COOKIE !!!
I was a little WET, but closed the meeting, with all of us agreeing, it was one of the BEST BOARD MEETINGS we have ever had & I might add we agreed to table the “TYPE OF POND ISSUE” for a later meeting in JUNE !!! THE HOOK
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