Monday, December 28, 2009



Bill and I first hit the Bohannan Trap this morning but there were no fish. The falls were beautiful with ice covering the surrounding rocks and branches. We dropped off some fish tubes at Don Larson's home in Siletz this morning and he said that it was 11 degrees outside his shop earlier today. It was 20 degrees inside his shop while we were there. There were ice-flows on the Siletz River from the Quarry hole on down and all of the creeks and falls feeding into the Siletz were frozen solid. They were really pretty. Bad day to leave my camera at home. There is a rock ledge along the road just below the Siletz trap that has a spring running down the rock. The ice cycles hanging from the rock were 10 to 12 feet long. There were no fish at the Siletz trap either. Bill walked down the ladder and said that there are quite a few fish holding just below the ladder so we should have quite a few fish into the trap once the weather warms up and we get some rain. We were going to test the temperature of the water but there wasn't a thermometer in the metal box as we thought. Then on down to Palmer Creek where we drove some metal stakes to help support the weir and then we filled a little over a dozen sand bags. The ground was pretty well frozen. Back in town around 2:30. It was a bright sunshiny day and very enjoyable.Frank

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