Monday, December 28, 2009



Good afternoon,

Great day at Schooner Creek. The sun was shining and the weather was warm. Upon arriving at the trap I noticed there was good flow, good enough that I couldn't see any fish in the trap. That was until I stepped in and immediately had fish slamming into my legs. The result was three (3) Steelhead, 1 buck and 2 hens. I also had six (6) Coho, 3 hens and 3 bucks. All fish were in great shape. I saw two Coho that had swam back into the upper chamber of the trap but after cleaning the entrance was able to chase them back up into the creek and upstream. I cleaned the leaves from the trap and it is ready for Friday. No wildlife today other than something had made a bird kill on the road. It must have either been a hawk or a coyote.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone,

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