Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Good evening everyone,
What a beautiful day. Either I have someone looking over my shoulder or I am just infected with dumb luck. Either way the last two weeks on Wednesdays have been absolutely perfect weather up the canyon at Schooner Creek. The sun was shining and the water was relatively clear. As I reached the trap I noticed that there wasn't much water in the trap but a deep pool above the upper gate. The water in the trap was only about a foot deep as the upper gate was pretty well cogged with leaves and other debris. I immediately saw a dorsal fin and knew I would need the net today. As I entered the trap fish started darting all over. The end result was eight Coho all male. Seven fish were released upstream and one was passed down stream over the dam. The one small male Coho was caught in the entry grate and was unable to move forward or backward and apparently drowned. I cleaned the trap which was clogged with leaves and branches but no silt or gravel (thank you Butch and whomever helped you dig out the entrance). The trap should be in good condition for the upcoming rains. No wildlife today.
Team Chinook was short Electric Bill today, but Linda Reed stepped up to the plate & She even brought Apple & Cherry Fritters !!!
It goes without saying, her involvement along with the Trapping Skills displayed by Larry & Bud + Some Minimal Contributions by Yours Truly ><><>
It rained hard all the while we were at the Trap, but the water flow was clear with minimum debris on the gratings. Sad to say, we saw no wildlife going in or out, but it was delightful to have Linda join us today.
The Chinook Trap team returned to the trap today. We had another successful Day with the trap team of John Spangler, Larry Dale, Bud Roark, and myself. At this time I would like to humbly apologize for leading you astray on Monday we did not have Steelhead in the trap we had COHO. Yes the Hook not only made the trip he chauffeured in the Tree Hugger. Larry plunged into the trap with vigor and let us know that we had fish. He passed up a beautiful Buck COHO and I passed it on to Bud who was eagerly awaiting in the stream to release it. Returning the net to the trap Larry began eagerly pursuing the next fish which turned out to be another big COHO in full spawning colors and was rapidly released upstream. The only problem was the fished liked the trap so well he went right back to it. Larry cried out from the trap there are more fish so I hustled the net back him so that he could pursue the quarry. Larry passed the net up and there was a big bright beautiful STEELHEAD BUCK (yes it was) and I turned him over to Bud to be swiftly released. The last fish was also a nice big male Coho and was smoothly released. John recorded all of the fish entry's, we cleaned the trap and headed home. We had expected nasty weather but had been pleasantly suprised by a nice trip. We didn,t see any noteable wildlife on this trip, maybe next time.
Electric Bill - for - Team Chinook
Good afternoon all,
What a beautiful day at the trap. It was so warm I was in just a tee shirt. We had two fish in the trap, both male Coho. One was bright and the other was in his red spawning colors. Both fish had very pronounced hooked upper jaws (kipes). Both fish were released up by the bridge to keep them from running back into the trap. Water was low but the trap was running very well. I cleaned out some debris and leaves and we should be n good shape for the upcoming rains we are expecting later this week. One the way down the creek I stopped where I usually do to look for fish on their way up and saw four fish in the hole. Also on the way down saw two doe at the four mile marker. Both were in really good shape.
(It's good to have Mike back!)
Larry Dale, Bud Roark, Chris Furgason, Bill Furgason, departed Longview Hills @ 9:00am and returned at 12:15pm. The day was beautiful and a very pleasant drive into the trap. We didn't see any wildlife except for FISH, upon checking the trap we noticed that there were FISH in the trap. Larry suited up and went down into the trap to check it out. Bud went to the stream and took up his position as needed. Larry dipped in and came out with a beautiful red Buck that had won a fight with a seal.
Larry passed the net to Chris who relayed it to Bud for a smooth release, and off up the stream he went. Meanwhile back in the trap Larry had corralled another beautiful Buck this one bigger than the last he netted it and past the net to Chris who again passed it to Bud who masterfully released it. Larry in checking found yet another fish in the trap upon netting it he discovered that it to was a Buck. The relay of netting the Steelhead to release was performed flawlessly.
Larry checked the trap and found no more fish so we set about cleaning the trap. Bud released a bunch of leaves and debris and sent them through the trap. Chris raised the gate to let debris through. Larry cleaned the gate and it was lowered, and the front gate was raised to release the debris on down stream. We stowed the equipment and recorded the fish leaving the trap ready to receive the next run of fish. Team Chinook will be manning the trap this Friday Nov. 6th if we get some rain we just could see more fish in the trap. We returned to Longview Hills with a job well done.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Here is a little "conversation" regarding the trip on October 28th to the Schooner Creek Fish Trap. From the LVH Fishing Club there were Brian, Frank, Wayde and I:
We were at the Schooner trap today to help with a student field trip. Kids had a good time and learned some things about fish, streams, plants & bugs.
There were no fish in the trap.
I definitely saw a frozen steelhead in the trap.
That’s funny. I’ll report to James that a frozen steelhead was found in the trap. Global cooling ????
I knew you would come up with the answer. That's why you are a scientist and I'm not.
From: Big Fish []
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:47 PM
Subject: Schooner Creek Fish Trap
Brian, Frank Wayde and I helped Virginia Tardaeweather with a student field trip. There were about 40 4th-5th graders there to learn about fish, streams, plants & bugs. They seemed to have a good time and only 2 fell in the water. Luckily they were wearing hip boots and it helped some.
I didn't see any fish in the trap, however, Frank reported seeing one frozen salmon. Think he's credible?
First Lady
Jolly Good Show >> & << I bet this was a Bunch of Fun. That said >> You All deserve a BRAVO ZULU !!!! ……. JCS
Fun being relative. With 40 kids that age it was kind of like herding cats, but worth it. Especially watching Wayde standing in the creek trying to show the kids how to measure the distance, speed of the creek, etc., he was actually pretty good at it.
No, no, no Barb. It was a frozen steelhead, not a salmon. I could tell because it had steel-blue eyes. I took Brian's class on Fish Identification and really know my fish.
Hank Bryson and I checked the trap today. No fish. Some debris buildup on the gates but the trap was clean. Water was a little dirty as it was raining pretty heavily this morning. We climbed the hill above the bridge to roll down the remaining cut logs from when Wayde and Hank removed the log from the roadway. All is clear now and the logs missed the bridge but only barely. There was a motor home off the roadway and into a tree north bound on 101 near Devil's Punch bole on our way back, I hope there was no passenger in the right front because it was damaged pretty badly in that area. Police and ambulance had not as yet arrived but plenty of help so we proceeded home.
Raining as Casey and I left the Pig Palace and headed up to Schooner. Trap was flowing well, but no fish. Raining as we left and headed to Siletz, posting Chinook Closure/deadline signs at all the parks, bridges, etc along the way. Raining as we left Siletz for the trap up the Gorge. Raining at the Trap. Had 67 hatchery and 10 wild Steelhead, 3 Coho, and 1 Chinook to handle - all the hatchery Steelhead went for protein in the river. Raining as we left the trap and headed for Bohanan. The trap was flowing well, but no fish. Raining as we left Bohanan, checked out a few likely deer hunting (sorry - deer survey) areas along 1000 line, and met Kevin Wilson on 1200 coming up from Newport to get in a couple hours evening hunting. Raining when we got back about 5PM. Oh, did I forget to mention it was raining!!
Today was a enjoyable trip with Casey to the trap, there were Eight fish in the trap, break down as follows, two hatchery Steelhead fish, five native Steelhead and one spring Chinook. We traveled down to five mile area to survey for fish and redd's and finding very little of both.
The river was up a little and the water has warmed up a slight amount, Casey expects to see fish movement with the rains expected this week.