Sunday, March 21, 2010



Good morning,

I was bamboozled!! Yes, it happened to me as well. I went into the trap this morning not seeing any fish. After just a moment in the trap I felt the familiar bump on my leg then saw a nice fish darting around the trap. It looked like a nice wild male with colored gill plates and a nice red stripe down the side. I climbed up the ladder got the net and returned to the trap. No fish. I scoured the trap for five minutes testing all the places a fish can hide in the trap (which aren't many) and found nothing. That sneaky fish slipped out and back down the ladder just like it had done to another team. Dejected, I climbed back out of the trap locked it up and left the area with my tail between my legs.

The trap had good flow with about 18" to 20" of water running through. On the way up and again on the way down I saw the Elk herd bedded down in the field. They must have been enjoying the sun like I was. Hopefully the team on Friday will be better equipped to deal with this phantom fish than I was.

Team Lone Wolf,

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