Sunday, November 1, 2009



Here is a little "conversation" regarding the trip on October 28th to the Schooner Creek Fish Trap. From the LVH Fishing Club there were Brian, Frank, Wayde and I:

We were at the Schooner trap today to help with a student field trip. Kids had a good time and learned some things about fish, streams, plants & bugs.
There were no fish in the trap.

I definitely saw a frozen steelhead in the trap.
That’s funny. I’ll report to James that a frozen steelhead was found in the trap. Global cooling ????
I knew you would come up with the answer. That's why you are a scientist and I'm not.

From: Big Fish []
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:47 PM
Subject: Schooner Creek Fish Trap
Brian, Frank Wayde and I helped Virginia Tardaeweather with a student field trip. There were about 40 4th-5th graders there to learn about fish, streams, plants & bugs. They seemed to have a good time and only 2 fell in the water. Luckily they were wearing hip boots and it helped some.

I didn't see any fish in the trap, however, Frank reported seeing one frozen salmon. Think he's credible?

First Lady
Jolly Good Show >> & << I bet this was a Bunch of Fun. That said >> You All deserve a BRAVO ZULU !!!! ……. JCS
Fun being relative. With 40 kids that age it was kind of like herding cats, but worth it. Especially watching Wayde standing in the creek trying to show the kids how to measure the distance, speed of the creek, etc., he was actually pretty good at it.

No, no, no Barb. It was a frozen steelhead, not a salmon. I could tell because it had steel-blue eyes. I took Brian's class on Fish Identification and really know my fish.

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