Friday, May 1, 2009



Greetings One and All

Matt and I joined the rest of the group as the last of the steelhead smolt were placed into the ponds at Palmer Trap. Frank had the camp set up real nice and had brought in some wood and pallets for camp fires. Casey gave us the what to do list for the smolt and keeping the screens clear. It turned out that the main generator had conked out again but this year Matt had brought up his generator as a back up so all was well. There was a lot of debris from reeds to beaver limbs that kept jamming the screens and causing the ponds to raise. Matt really got into the total experience he was trimming more brush, and checking the screens. Frank had left his small electric chain saw so Matt and I proceeded to cut up the pallets, and chop some wood. Again Matt really got into the chopping and stacking of the wood. We built a fire and Matt made sure that it was going great most of the time. There was plenty of wood as the wood piles from the last couple of years was still there, due to very wet camps in the past. The weather was pretty decent for the most part with occasional misting now and then. I took my dog Sadie along and she enjoyed herself with all of the new scents, and sounds. We had a great dinner consisting of steaks, fried potatoes and onions, and some of Matt's great salsa. We went to bed full and happy.
The next morning Matt was up early and out checking the ponds and the screens when he saw our pesky beaver. Well he had taken his trusty sling shot along for just such an emergency and he let one fly. He said that beaver went up in the air did a double gainer, and back flip and landed into the pond and was off like a shot. The beaver wasn't hurt except for his pride but he made himself very scarce after that. We had a great breakfast then Derek Wilson came by from ODFW to take me up to the Siletz trap it seams that Casey wasn't able to make it in. Derek and I had a great trip both in and out we didn't see any critters just a lot of log truckers, and some fishermen. We were pleasantly supprised to find several fish in the trap. The total count was 13 wild females,5 wild males, and 9 hatchery females,3 hatchery males. There was a beautiful 20 plus pound buck in his full spawning colors, and a beautful 18 plus pound hen always a pleasure to see. We turned the wild fish back down the ladder, and created stream enhancement out of the hatchery fish. As we returned back to camp we found the LVHFC board of directors chowing down and getting ready for their meeting. Lunch was enjoyed by all and then Matt and I left leaving the smolt sitting in the capable hands of Wayde and Barb. It was a great experience and a good time I would recommend it to all.

Have a Great Day

Electric Bill, and Matt the (Beaver Guy)

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