Hello to All
Well team Chinook had a beautiful trip up to the Schooner Creek Trap. There was no rain and the sun broke through.We were not able to spot any wildlife except for one busy snowy egret on the tidal flats. Bob Abbot was the tour guide while I rode shotgun, and Wayne navigated the terrain. Everything was beautiful as usual in the canyon with the stream flowing high and clear.
We approached the trap with much apprehension after all of the tales of limited fish for so long. I jumped down into the trap and eureka there was a tell-tale flash and splash. I called Bob and asked him to get down and help to corral our prize. Bob got down in there and got into a wrestling match with a beautiful steelhead, and he won with the fish netted. I turned the fish, which turned out to be a beautiful native hen over to Wayne and he released her. In the process of capturing the hen we saw another fish flash. Bob and I went around and around, up and down, and we couldn't find or corner the other fish. Bob climbed out of the trap and I got real serious but it was as if the fish disappeared. I finally was able to net the elusive fish which turned out to be a native male. I turned the fish over to Bob, who in turn turned it over to Wayne, and he released it. We cleaned some debris from the trap and buttoned it up. All ill it was a great trip with good friends.
While I have the stage I want to emphasize that the Siletz trap for April needs help. Wayde, Wayne,and myself are unable to participate on Wednesdays because of prior obligations. The 11th is taken other than that the month is open. If you want to go with someone else there is no problem as there is always room for one more. This a major service that we do and is not only appreciated but is necessary so please step forward. We need to have additional help so that those who have been covering the traps do not get burned out. The Siletz trap slows down for a short period, but then it will be picking up for the larger summer runs. Let us know when you will be available to give a hand. "Good Fishing"
Electric Bill
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