Monday, May 25, 2009



Casey and I carried out the trap duty on Friday and it was a full day. The river was at about the 6' level and was as high as I've ever seen it. Sorry Bill and Matt but you know all that silt and gravel that you shoveled last week?....Well it's back. There were only 5 fish in the trap, supposedly because of the high water, but one was the first summer steelhead. It was a very bright silver hatchery hen that unfortunately was bonked. In addition there were 2 wild males and 1 wild hen that we transported to the Alsea Hatchery along with 4 other hold over fish for spawning. Following the spawning process we returned the fish, along with several other fish being held at the hatchery to the Siletz. As we were transporting water across the river to fill the tanker truck a beautiful bald eagle flew directly overhead headed up the river.
Announcement! Derek Wilson's son, Finnigan "Finn" Wilson, arrived on Monday morning. Mother and child are doing fine. We understand that Finn's first camo suit was a perfect fit.

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