Monday, March 30, 2009



Good afternoon,

I just returned from Schooner Creek. We had fish today. There were two wild male Steelhead in the trap. Both were released in mid stream and headed for the dam (not back to the trap). The trap was clean and the flow was close to 30". Yes, I saw the Elk again today just West of the two mile marker. They were bedded down in the grove of trees in the middle of the field. None of the herd seemed to mind my being there because I stopped and looked at them for a while through binoculars. I had a nice surprise when I returned to my truck. Bill Ferguson and his wife Cathy were on a drive up Schooner Creek Road and wondered who the goof ball was partially blocking the road at the gate. They found out when I came walking down the road. We chatted for a while and then parted company, me back home and the two of them on their trip up Schooner Creek Road. Very nice day at the trap.


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