Monday, 5/19
Report from Casey Deckard - 34 fish in trap with the following breakdown:
Wild 9 bucks 6 hens......
Hatchery 10 bucks 9 hens
10 of these were summer steelhead so the fishing should begin to pick up.
Friday, 5/23
Wayde, Kevin and Josh Jesinghaus (student videographer) checked the trap. There were:
Wild 7 bucks 5 hens
Hatchery 3 bucks 5 hens
There were some fish with punch holes in the tail which meant they had been in the trap before and had been put back down the ladder. The transporter bucket is operable again and the wild fish were moved across the river to the truck using the bucket instead of the tubes, much easier. The fish were released into Sunshine Creek which is a tributary about 8 miles below the trap.Josh filmed the entire operation today and we only have one day of filming left to get all the raw footage
needed for our video. Editing will soon begin. It was a good trip for Josh to be on. He saw things all in one day that probably took me at least 5 trips before I had seen them. The canyon was extremely busy today with equipment, log trucks, fishermen and one jeep convoy. Saw one deer on the way out.